Description of Models
The H-2-X Type Controlair Valves are handle operated
4-way, exhausted center, pressure control
The typical unit contains two directional control 3-way
side valves and a pressure graduating portion that is
arranged to increase, decrease or maintain air pressure
to a separate delivery line. In neutral position,
both 3-way side valves exhaust both delivery lines. A
movement of 10 degrees either side of center position
opens the appropriate side valve and directs
pressure to the indicated outlet port. Continued
movement past 10 degrees up to full travel, or 46
degrees either side of neutral continues to actuate
the pressure graduating portion to deliver a graduated
pressure according to the valve of the control

There are six models with similar valve functions, but
different handle operating characteristics.
HD-2-X Controlair Valve -Handle is spring returned
to neutral position from all positions in the handle
travel. Some special models exist. See notes on
Identity schedule on page 7.
HD-2-LX Controlair Valve – Handle is spring returned
to neutral position from all positions except at
the maximum pressure setting on both sides of center.
The handle is held in both extreme positions by
a mechanical detent.
HD-2-FX Controlair Valve – Handle is equipped with
a friction brake that will hold the handle in any position
selected in the handle travel.
HD-2-XS Controlair Valve – Handle detents in both
maximum pressure positions. The handle is spring
returned to neutral position from all other positions in
the handle travel. Graduated pressure to port (8) is
only delivered in one direction of the handle movement.
HD-2-FXR Controlair Valve – Handle function is
similar to the HD-2-FX Valve. The difference is the
two directional valves are supplied instead of being
exhausted when the handle is in the neutral position,
HD-2-LS Controlair Valve- Handle holds in full travel,
neutral and detent positions.

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