The HD-2 CONTROLAIR Valve is a composite lever operated directional valve consisting of two 3-way directional valves and a 3-way pressure regulating portion. Each unit has its own OUT port.

Initial lever movement either side of “Neutral” position activates the OUT port from the pressure regulating portion and one or the other of the ports from the 3-way directional valves. The chosen directional valve port delivers full inlet pressure while the other OUT port remains connected to atmosphere.

Pneumatic valve is a control component that plays an important role in pneumatic systems, mainly used to control the pressure, flow rate, and flow direction of air flow to ensure the normal operation of pneumatic actuators or mechanisms. The following is a detailed introduction to pneumatic valves:

1、 Working principle

The working principle of a pneumatic valve is mainly to control the pressure of the gas to achieve the opening and closing of the valve. When the control gas enters the control chamber of the gas control valve, a certain pressure will be generated, which will act on the valve core, pushing it to move and changing the on/off state of the gas path. If the pressure of the controlled gas is high enough, the valve core will overcome the spring force or other resistance to open the valve and allow gas to flow. When the pressure of the controlled gas decreases or disappears, the valve core will return to its initial position under the action of spring force or other restoring force, close the valve, and prevent gas from passing through.

2、 Structural characteristics

The structure of a pneumatic valve can be decomposed into two parts: the valve body and the valve core. According to their relative positions, there are two types: normally closed and normally open. In addition, according to the different valve structures, they can also be divided into types such as globe valves, slide valves, and slide column valves. Pneumatic control valves can also achieve certain logical functions, including injection elements without moving parts inside the components and pneumatic logic elements with moving parts

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